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Verlag Holger Graf (Deutschland)
Annual Subscription to The Magazine 'DrechslerMagazin' 4 issues (3 monthly) €35.00 *
Vincentz Verlag (Deutschland)
Annual Subscription to The Magazine 'HolzWerken' 7 issues (every 2 months) €67.00 *
Verlag Holger Graf (Deutschland)
Annual Subscription to The Magazine 'FEINSCHNITTkreativ' 4 issues (3 monthly) €35.00 *
Vincentz Verlag (Deutschland)
Book 'HolzWerken - Tipps & Tricks für Drechsler' Small and larger tricks for clever work on the lathe €22.00 *
Vincentz Verlag (Deutschland)
Book 'Reparieren, Renovieren, Restaurieren von Holzoberflächen' Author: Melanie Kirchlechner €39.00 *
Vincentz Verlag (Deutschland)
Book 'Schalen schnitzen' From the design in the head to the shell in the hand €32.00 *
Vincentz Verlag (Deutschland)
Book 'Frisches Holz' Build chairs, spoons and tools from green wood €29.00 *
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